_Trailer Choir
October 2009

photo courtesy of artist's representation
I hear you're touring with Toby Keith, how's that been?
It's been unbelievable, we're uh...it's really, you know, everyday things are getting' more and more exciting 'cause folks are finding out about us (unintelligible)...with our (their?) success in the video on TNT and some other things (unintelligible) we can really start seeing...you know....people knowin' who we are and ready to have us and the crowds are getting' more loud and crazy and it's been really fun. I mean it's been fun all along but, you know, we're out here feelin' a little bit of the difference, I mean it's kinda neat.
So how did you guys begin? Like, how did you pick your name and how did y'all meet?
We were...we all live in Nashville. Originally we're all slightly, you know, Vinny-Vinny lives not too far from Nashville, both Crystal and I are from other states. I'm from, actually, from Ohio, she's from Louisiana. But, you know, when you're in Nashville and you're in that town, it's a...it's such a community of artists and, you know, as competitive as everyone is, everyone is very supportive and, you know, so, at your tip (?) you know, you would be having a show and there would be all your musician friends there and it just creates this sort of pool of people that you start working with and, you know, Vinny was doin' his thing, I was into my band, Crystal was doin' her thing and we just....Vinny and I started workin' together on Trailer Choir and...you know Crystal joined the band not too shortly after...after we got things goin' in Nashville so...
And what's the origin of the name Trailer Choir?
Well, Vinny and I, you know, when we started it, Vinny and I both loved chorus in...you know, in elementary school and growin' up and there's just somethin' about the...all of the singing together, you know, the choir so to speak, what-what that meant and uh...you know, trailer kinda leaves it open to a lot of variables, you know, there's a trailer park, there's a trailer, you know, sort of mindset to, you know, drinking cold beer and, you know, trailer really is somethin' that was tryin' to make it fun. So it wasn't, you know, we didn't want choir to be too serious, so it's like a trailer choir because come as you are, we love you, come on in, it don't matter, let's just go for a little musical ride and have a good time, you know? If we can eat a hamburger and drink cold beer on the way, we will.
And who...do you all collaborate on the writing process or what inspires you for the lyrics?
You know, we all do and we don't as well, you know, there's-there's songs that Vinny's written by himself, or I've written, or Crystal's, you know, but generally it's been Vinny with most of the writing and-and the lyrics and, you know, we just keep growing it as it goes and figuring it all out, but, so it's..we've got so many songs written, it's just, it's kinda neat to see if they keep workin', you know, we'll...we got as many as you can have of 'em.
You're currently working on your studio album, correct?
Yes, we're about 5 songs into it and, really, once we get off this summer tour and are back in Nashville and, you know, get back up with Toby we're gonna knock it, knock the rest of it out and hopefully have an album out by...somewhere between you know, Thanksgiving and Christmastime.
What can audiences expect from that record? How would you describe your style and...
I would describe that record as a song that you can play – I'll just go through the list – you can play it at a high school graduation, a bonfire, a tailgate party, when your girl just left you and you need a little pick me up, put it in there, and there'll be a song you can sing on Sunday morning. One of the songs, it's probably gonna be the most famous on this record is probably gonna be Vinny's song that he wrote when his dad passed away little over a year ago and we gotta song that he does...even, you know, even touches on some things like, you know, things like that, you know? So it's...Trailer Choir is about a good time and Vinny...Vinny coined it you know, it's a...it's a three and a half minute vacation, you know, our songs, and we like to have a lotta fun with it but you know, we have serious emotions and sides to us, but we definitely focus on the fun.
What's that song called that you believe will be most famous?
How Are Things Up There?
Aw, that's so sweet.
Yup. We'll sing it for you, I promise ya.
Do you guys have a favorite part of touring?
Uh...the favorite part, I-I think for, you know, everyone sittin' here, and I'm kinda, you know, answering really on behalf of all of us on everything, it's not even my personal but, our favorite thing is, you know, we were gonna be doin' this for, we love entertainment, and you know, we were-we were cuttin' up and down the road in an Armada van and a Uhaul for a number of years, playin' frat parties and clubs and, you know, parking lots and any-anywhere we could get some people together and play a show and one of the biggest enjoyments is, you know, we're sittin' right now on a tour bus outside of New York City, you know, eatin'- eatin' you know, Cheerios and it's like, it- it's neat to be able to still do what you love, but now to kinda get some support and to have a record label and to have, you know, a team of people. I would say the most enjoyable part is how neat it is to have a bigger team and-and a team that you love to be on. Starting all the way from Toby on down to our band.
So speaking of Toby, is there any kinda fun secrets you can tell fans about Toby Keith that maybe they don't know about from behind the scenes?
Toby- Toby is as funny of a guy as you will meet. I don't know if he's always known for his humor, I mean...his funny videos, but being around him, he-he constantly can keep...don't matter if there's 15,000 people or five in the room, he just knows what to say and how to say it and has a real...just a real sense of people and, you know, good times. I have...I don't wanna go on record with it 'cause the basketball that we've been startin' to play, you know, my record...I'll wait on that. Let's just go with the...let's just go with the humor.
Ok. I guess that leads me into the next question, some funnier questions here – I read a lot that you guys like Sonic Drive-Ins?
Yes, well that's, I'll tell you what, I'll let Vinny tell you about that 'cause we...Vinny used to work at a Sonic Drive In and actually there's a song, you know, there's a song on our record that, you know, as much as they probably are going (unintelligible) now but he actually wrote it while he was cookin' hamburgers with me over the cell phone so...I'll-I'll let him tell you about it though.
To Vinny: I was just wondering how much Sonic Drive-In has been an influence in your life?
Well I have to say that from the time I was 16 till the time I got my publishin' deal and got to move to Nashville, that's the way I made my life happen, that's the way that I paid my bills, that's the way that I bought my first truck, you know, the way that I, you know, was able to do everything that I've done up to this point was 'cause of Sonic. I, you know, I've been on my own since I was 14 years old and, you know, for two years I washed diesel trucks, and then cooked...cooked and washed dishes at a place called The Rusty Fishhook, but when I got my opportunity to work with Sonic, you know, when I was 16, they really gave me the hours and the amount of money that I needed to (unintelligible) to be on my own and everything so, yeah, they've definitely been a huge influence in my life so...
What's your favorite menu item?
My favorite menu item...probably, I love 'em all, but probably chili-cheese tater tots with ranch dressin'.
I guess some more for all three of you I would say...what's the most redneck thing you've ever done?
(Laughs). Most redneck thing that I've ever done- man, let me think, I've done some pretty redneck stuff in my day- I would probably say: when we were kids, my mom's...Cougar, it's a type of car, and it was blue and we took the hood off – and it's the car she drove – we took the hood off while she was still asleep and we tied it to the back of my four door (?) and it was...it was...one of the (unintelligible) that we'd ever had that year and tied it to the back of the four door and pulled each other around the property like we were, I dunno, we were crazy. Like we were rollin' through the sunshine (?) only it was snowin'. But yeah, that would probably be one of the most redneck things I've ever done. I mean, my mom was not happy, I will promise you that. So, it had a few dents in it after that so that's the most redneck thing I've probably ever done.
Ok, how about Crystal or Butter?
I'll let you ask Crystal, hang on one second.
Crystal:Most redneck thing I've personally ever done – I grew up in (South?) Louisiana and we grew a lotta cotton down there my daddy was a cotton (?) and they would make these very large things they called cotton modules, which are like big square blocks of cotton that are huge, they're the size of a tractor trailer. And we would climb on top of those and drink beer and party whenever I was in high school, and that's where we'd have most of our parties was in the back of somebody's corn or cotton field and on top of cotton modules. Things that are only gonna happen in Louisiana (laughs).
So Crystal, I guess while I have you, what's it like bein' with these boys?
We have a blast, I was friends with them way before but I was ever in a group with them. I was a fan of what they were doin' and-and goin' out supportin' the shows and singin' you know, singin' “Rockin' the Beer Gut” at the front of the stage and decided one night that they needed a female harmony and I jumped onstage and started singin' with them and we've been out just havin'a - havin' a good time. I'm not gonna say that they're not a handful but they'll be very quick to turn around and tell you that I'm just as much a handful, if not more most of the time, so... (laughs). They're making comments, can you hear 'em? This is how it is. We're like brothers and sisters, that's how we'll pick on each other and give each other grief 24/7.
What would you say your favorite beers are if you're out partyin' on your porch?
Well you know, we've become really big fans of the (?) right now, they've been good friends of our and we've always really enjoyed the music they've been puttin' out as a group and as a band, we've really enjoyed getting to hear what those guys do and see what they do onstage. Vinny says Menudo (laughs). But yeah, I think one of my new favorite bands are those guys, they're really great guys and we've really gotten...enjoyed gettin' to see what they do onstage too.
With all this beer drinkin' and stuff you're doin' what would you say is your favorite brand of beer?
Favorite brand of beer. That actually, I have to tell you, there's a guy that plays bass for us right now that makes his own home-brewed beer and that would be my...I can't say that I have a favorite brand right now, but that's my personal enjoyable thing that we've had on tour so far. And-and Bud Light is I think what the boys have been enjoyin' here lately.
As a group, what would you say, if you had to compete in the Olympics right now, what would you guys bring home the gold for?
(Talking to each other)
Butter: Vinny's would be diving (laughs).
Crystal: He'd be bringing out the cannonball. Yeah, I would be (unintelligible). And Butter? We'll decide what Butter would be doin. The dream team? He would be the shortest guy on the dream team (laughs).
Sweet! So do you guys know if you have an upcoming title for your album at all?
You know, we've kind of all talked about it, it'll probably be Off the Hillbilly Hook, but you know what, we don't know if that's gonna be the actual official title 'cause we're still finishing everything up, workin' with – Toby is producer, so kinda workin' around his schedule and all the tourin' we've been doin' and just...gotta try and get that wrapped up before we nail down an official release date and an official album title.
And, I guess my last question: if people are goin' to see a show of Trailer Choir what would you tell them that they can expect?
They're gonna see a backyard barbecue by definition. 3 minute vacation per song...cold beer, partyin', good times, lots of fun. That's what you can- that's what you can expect at a Trailer Choir show. And a 380 pound guy do the pop worm (?), where else ya gonna see that?
And of the other two...any particular dance moves?
Oh he's got a whole handful of dance moves, but that was kinda the custom, signature trademark, we can't do a show without it.
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It's been unbelievable, we're uh...it's really, you know, everyday things are getting' more and more exciting 'cause folks are finding out about us (unintelligible)...with our (their?) success in the video on TNT and some other things (unintelligible) we can really start seeing...you know....people knowin' who we are and ready to have us and the crowds are getting' more loud and crazy and it's been really fun. I mean it's been fun all along but, you know, we're out here feelin' a little bit of the difference, I mean it's kinda neat.
So how did you guys begin? Like, how did you pick your name and how did y'all meet?
We were...we all live in Nashville. Originally we're all slightly, you know, Vinny-Vinny lives not too far from Nashville, both Crystal and I are from other states. I'm from, actually, from Ohio, she's from Louisiana. But, you know, when you're in Nashville and you're in that town, it's a...it's such a community of artists and, you know, as competitive as everyone is, everyone is very supportive and, you know, so, at your tip (?) you know, you would be having a show and there would be all your musician friends there and it just creates this sort of pool of people that you start working with and, you know, Vinny was doin' his thing, I was into my band, Crystal was doin' her thing and we just....Vinny and I started workin' together on Trailer Choir and...you know Crystal joined the band not too shortly after...after we got things goin' in Nashville so...
And what's the origin of the name Trailer Choir?
Well, Vinny and I, you know, when we started it, Vinny and I both loved chorus in...you know, in elementary school and growin' up and there's just somethin' about the...all of the singing together, you know, the choir so to speak, what-what that meant and uh...you know, trailer kinda leaves it open to a lot of variables, you know, there's a trailer park, there's a trailer, you know, sort of mindset to, you know, drinking cold beer and, you know, trailer really is somethin' that was tryin' to make it fun. So it wasn't, you know, we didn't want choir to be too serious, so it's like a trailer choir because come as you are, we love you, come on in, it don't matter, let's just go for a little musical ride and have a good time, you know? If we can eat a hamburger and drink cold beer on the way, we will.
And who...do you all collaborate on the writing process or what inspires you for the lyrics?
You know, we all do and we don't as well, you know, there's-there's songs that Vinny's written by himself, or I've written, or Crystal's, you know, but generally it's been Vinny with most of the writing and-and the lyrics and, you know, we just keep growing it as it goes and figuring it all out, but, so it's..we've got so many songs written, it's just, it's kinda neat to see if they keep workin', you know, we'll...we got as many as you can have of 'em.
You're currently working on your studio album, correct?
Yes, we're about 5 songs into it and, really, once we get off this summer tour and are back in Nashville and, you know, get back up with Toby we're gonna knock it, knock the rest of it out and hopefully have an album out by...somewhere between you know, Thanksgiving and Christmastime.
What can audiences expect from that record? How would you describe your style and...
I would describe that record as a song that you can play – I'll just go through the list – you can play it at a high school graduation, a bonfire, a tailgate party, when your girl just left you and you need a little pick me up, put it in there, and there'll be a song you can sing on Sunday morning. One of the songs, it's probably gonna be the most famous on this record is probably gonna be Vinny's song that he wrote when his dad passed away little over a year ago and we gotta song that he does...even, you know, even touches on some things like, you know, things like that, you know? So it's...Trailer Choir is about a good time and Vinny...Vinny coined it you know, it's a...it's a three and a half minute vacation, you know, our songs, and we like to have a lotta fun with it but you know, we have serious emotions and sides to us, but we definitely focus on the fun.
What's that song called that you believe will be most famous?
How Are Things Up There?
Aw, that's so sweet.
Yup. We'll sing it for you, I promise ya.
Do you guys have a favorite part of touring?
Uh...the favorite part, I-I think for, you know, everyone sittin' here, and I'm kinda, you know, answering really on behalf of all of us on everything, it's not even my personal but, our favorite thing is, you know, we were gonna be doin' this for, we love entertainment, and you know, we were-we were cuttin' up and down the road in an Armada van and a Uhaul for a number of years, playin' frat parties and clubs and, you know, parking lots and any-anywhere we could get some people together and play a show and one of the biggest enjoyments is, you know, we're sittin' right now on a tour bus outside of New York City, you know, eatin'- eatin' you know, Cheerios and it's like, it- it's neat to be able to still do what you love, but now to kinda get some support and to have a record label and to have, you know, a team of people. I would say the most enjoyable part is how neat it is to have a bigger team and-and a team that you love to be on. Starting all the way from Toby on down to our band.
So speaking of Toby, is there any kinda fun secrets you can tell fans about Toby Keith that maybe they don't know about from behind the scenes?
Toby- Toby is as funny of a guy as you will meet. I don't know if he's always known for his humor, I mean...his funny videos, but being around him, he-he constantly can keep...don't matter if there's 15,000 people or five in the room, he just knows what to say and how to say it and has a real...just a real sense of people and, you know, good times. I have...I don't wanna go on record with it 'cause the basketball that we've been startin' to play, you know, my record...I'll wait on that. Let's just go with the...let's just go with the humor.
Ok. I guess that leads me into the next question, some funnier questions here – I read a lot that you guys like Sonic Drive-Ins?
Yes, well that's, I'll tell you what, I'll let Vinny tell you about that 'cause we...Vinny used to work at a Sonic Drive In and actually there's a song, you know, there's a song on our record that, you know, as much as they probably are going (unintelligible) now but he actually wrote it while he was cookin' hamburgers with me over the cell phone so...I'll-I'll let him tell you about it though.
To Vinny: I was just wondering how much Sonic Drive-In has been an influence in your life?
Well I have to say that from the time I was 16 till the time I got my publishin' deal and got to move to Nashville, that's the way I made my life happen, that's the way that I paid my bills, that's the way that I bought my first truck, you know, the way that I, you know, was able to do everything that I've done up to this point was 'cause of Sonic. I, you know, I've been on my own since I was 14 years old and, you know, for two years I washed diesel trucks, and then cooked...cooked and washed dishes at a place called The Rusty Fishhook, but when I got my opportunity to work with Sonic, you know, when I was 16, they really gave me the hours and the amount of money that I needed to (unintelligible) to be on my own and everything so, yeah, they've definitely been a huge influence in my life so...
What's your favorite menu item?
My favorite menu item...probably, I love 'em all, but probably chili-cheese tater tots with ranch dressin'.
I guess some more for all three of you I would say...what's the most redneck thing you've ever done?
(Laughs). Most redneck thing that I've ever done- man, let me think, I've done some pretty redneck stuff in my day- I would probably say: when we were kids, my mom's...Cougar, it's a type of car, and it was blue and we took the hood off – and it's the car she drove – we took the hood off while she was still asleep and we tied it to the back of my four door (?) and it was...it was...one of the (unintelligible) that we'd ever had that year and tied it to the back of the four door and pulled each other around the property like we were, I dunno, we were crazy. Like we were rollin' through the sunshine (?) only it was snowin'. But yeah, that would probably be one of the most redneck things I've ever done. I mean, my mom was not happy, I will promise you that. So, it had a few dents in it after that so that's the most redneck thing I've probably ever done.
Ok, how about Crystal or Butter?
I'll let you ask Crystal, hang on one second.
Crystal:Most redneck thing I've personally ever done – I grew up in (South?) Louisiana and we grew a lotta cotton down there my daddy was a cotton (?) and they would make these very large things they called cotton modules, which are like big square blocks of cotton that are huge, they're the size of a tractor trailer. And we would climb on top of those and drink beer and party whenever I was in high school, and that's where we'd have most of our parties was in the back of somebody's corn or cotton field and on top of cotton modules. Things that are only gonna happen in Louisiana (laughs).
So Crystal, I guess while I have you, what's it like bein' with these boys?
We have a blast, I was friends with them way before but I was ever in a group with them. I was a fan of what they were doin' and-and goin' out supportin' the shows and singin' you know, singin' “Rockin' the Beer Gut” at the front of the stage and decided one night that they needed a female harmony and I jumped onstage and started singin' with them and we've been out just havin'a - havin' a good time. I'm not gonna say that they're not a handful but they'll be very quick to turn around and tell you that I'm just as much a handful, if not more most of the time, so... (laughs). They're making comments, can you hear 'em? This is how it is. We're like brothers and sisters, that's how we'll pick on each other and give each other grief 24/7.
What would you say your favorite beers are if you're out partyin' on your porch?
Well you know, we've become really big fans of the (?) right now, they've been good friends of our and we've always really enjoyed the music they've been puttin' out as a group and as a band, we've really enjoyed getting to hear what those guys do and see what they do onstage. Vinny says Menudo (laughs). But yeah, I think one of my new favorite bands are those guys, they're really great guys and we've really gotten...enjoyed gettin' to see what they do onstage too.
With all this beer drinkin' and stuff you're doin' what would you say is your favorite brand of beer?
Favorite brand of beer. That actually, I have to tell you, there's a guy that plays bass for us right now that makes his own home-brewed beer and that would be my...I can't say that I have a favorite brand right now, but that's my personal enjoyable thing that we've had on tour so far. And-and Bud Light is I think what the boys have been enjoyin' here lately.
As a group, what would you say, if you had to compete in the Olympics right now, what would you guys bring home the gold for?
(Talking to each other)
Butter: Vinny's would be diving (laughs).
Crystal: He'd be bringing out the cannonball. Yeah, I would be (unintelligible). And Butter? We'll decide what Butter would be doin. The dream team? He would be the shortest guy on the dream team (laughs).
Sweet! So do you guys know if you have an upcoming title for your album at all?
You know, we've kind of all talked about it, it'll probably be Off the Hillbilly Hook, but you know what, we don't know if that's gonna be the actual official title 'cause we're still finishing everything up, workin' with – Toby is producer, so kinda workin' around his schedule and all the tourin' we've been doin' and just...gotta try and get that wrapped up before we nail down an official release date and an official album title.
And, I guess my last question: if people are goin' to see a show of Trailer Choir what would you tell them that they can expect?
They're gonna see a backyard barbecue by definition. 3 minute vacation per song...cold beer, partyin', good times, lots of fun. That's what you can- that's what you can expect at a Trailer Choir show. And a 380 pound guy do the pop worm (?), where else ya gonna see that?
And of the other two...any particular dance moves?
Oh he's got a whole handful of dance moves, but that was kinda the custom, signature trademark, we can't do a show without it.
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